Machines began to replace humans in the first industrial revolution. In the decades coming, according to Wired founder Kevin Kelly, we should expect a second industrial revolution (Kelly, 2016). Artificial intelligence will undergird this new revolution in which a “cognification” of our environment will create more intuitive interactions between people and their environments.

In my review of the literature, it is obvious that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace many jobs, but I also found literature suggesting new roles for humans alongside AI. What will these new roles entail? What will this partnership mean for the workers and their daily activities? This study will consider the use of AI in the context of the creative design process as a way to complement designers rather than replace them.

Artificial Intelligence or AI “refers to non-sentient intelligence that can deliver complex tasks previously performed by people” (Fisher, 2015). The market increasingly recognizes the potential of AI.. In addition, AI is growing in its applications where many approaches live together such as the idea of enhancing the human brain by implementing technology, or also, ideas involving the development of machine learning. I focus this research on the latter.

Machine learning is a type of AI through which computers learn without the need of being programmed. Computer programs learn by analyzing and interpreting data which can be recognized by an AI without the need for specifications. A key purpose of machine learning and AI is automation. In an era focused on productivity, automation is appealing.

AI in a Human World – SWOT

I investigated some existing machine learning applications available for designers to use in their creative process. I built a SWOT analysis to consider AI technology in our current design production process.

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